Course Information
With a focus on lectures and exercise, 1st Year students will thoroughly learn the theory and basics that are necessary for evaluating (assessing) clients and giving them support through communication (interviews). They will also explore the ideal image of a psychologist through case studies and supervision.
2nd Year students will foster practical sensibilities with a focus on practicums. In the attached practicum wing “Psychological Counseling Room Tikvah”, graduate students will sit to the side and observe psychological interviews being conducted. They will also undertake psychological interviews and psychological testing of clients themselves under lecturer supervision. In off-campus practicums, students will learn the work of specialists in real settings at medical, educational, welfare, and other facilities, and will prepare to develop themselves as members of society and professionals.
In the Course of Clinical Psychology, students will be able to obtain eligibility to sit for the national examinations for Professional Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist.

Psychological Counseling Room Tikvah
The lecturers and graduate students in this course provide consultation services to meet various needs of local communities.