During your time at university, there will likely be times when you feel anxious or worried. Even if the problem is not something that you can resolve alone, by talking to someone about your concerns and having someone who will listen to you, it may make you feel better or help you to find a way to solve your problem. SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY offers a range of counseling services, as listed below, to respond to various types of issues.
Issues | Place | Department |
Class Registration, Classwork, Qualifications | 2F, Administration Building | Academic Affairs Department |
Study | 2F, Building No.4 | Study Support Center |
Student Life | 2F, Administration Building | Study Affairs Department |
Career | 2F, Administration Building | Student Career Department |
Health | 1F, Building No.2 | Health Care Center |
Any matters | 1F, Building No.2 | Student Counseling Office Student Suppot Office |
Study Assistance for Students with Disabilities
SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY has a study assistance program for students with disabilities to ensure they are able to receive a fair education regardless of the nature and degree of their disability. This program works to ensure that such students are not disadvantaged in their studies in cases in which the student requests assistance and the university recognizes the need for assistance.
Students who require some kind of assistance or accommodations in their campus life should submit a special needs request, accompanied by a medical certificate to Student Affairs Department.
Harassment Helpdesk
What is Harassment?
Harassment refers to an act that violates human rights, in which, even if the perpetrator commits the act in a light-hearted manner, that act causes feelings of discomfort, aversion, intimidation, and anxiety, etc. in the other person, causing that person to lose their motivation to study or make it distressing for them to come to university.
SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY believes that it has a responsibility to provide an environment in which all students can engage in their studies and research with peace of mind. If you feel you are being harassed or have suffered from harassment, we want you to come forward straightaway. We will consider the best solution, while protecting your privacy and respecting your wishes.
If you feel you are being harassed
- Do not endure the harassment alone!
- First, talk to a friend, teacher, or staff member you can trust.
- Make it clear that such behavior is unwelcome!
- If you are able to, convey your feelings to the person who is harassing you, letting them know that their behavior is disagreeable to you and is making you uncomfortable.
- Make a written record!
- Make a record of the date, time, place, circumstances, and other details of the harassment. This information may serve as important evidence later. Try to record as many details as possible.
- Speak to someone!
- There are harassment counselors at SGU who can help. You can talk to them even about the smallest things. These counselors will respect your wishes and protect your privacy, including the details of what you tell them.
To prevent harassment
- Respect each other’s individuality.
- Different people take words and actions in different ways. Think carefully about the other person’s feelings before you act.
- If you know that certain behavior makes another person uncomfortable, do not repeat that behavior.
- Do not assume that, just because the other person is not protesting, your actions are not disagreeable to them.
If a friend has experienced harassment
- Listen carefully to what your friend says and be supportive.
- Help your friend, such as by telling the perpetrator to stop.
- If the matter cannot be resolved, accompany your friend to the counseling service.
Counseling Q&A
- What should I do if I have been the target of harassment?
- First, it is important to make a record of the harassment. Do not endure the harassment alone – discuss it with a friend or counselor.
- I am hesitant to speak to someone.
- Your safety and privacy are our counselors’ top priority. They will never do anything that does not conform with your wishes. You can even seek advice anonymously, so please talk to someone.
Counseling Service
- Counselors and Prevention Committee Members (Japanese) (PDF)
- External Counseling Service (Japanese) (PDF)
Advisor/Homeroom Teacher System
SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY has adopted an Advisor system across the entire university, in which each individual student is allocated an Advisor from among the teaching faculty. Advisors help students with the optimization of their university studies and their future plans.
Advisors meet with their students on a regular basis, and at other times when necessary, to ascertain the student’s situation and provide any necessary support.
They are also the first port of call for students seeking advice about the following matters. If they are unable to help the student resolve the issue on their own, they will assist the student by connecting them to a helpdesk that can provide expert advice. They will also contact and meet with the student’s parents/guardians if necessary.
Advisor’s Role
- Academic Affairs Issues
- Study guidance (how to enroll in subjects, selection of area of specialization, subject choices for future plans, etc.)
- Ascertaining class attendance status and helping students to advance to the next year level and to graduate
- Counseling/advice regarding obtaining qualifications, etc. (practicums, exam preparation, etc.)
- Counseling/advice regarding changing departments/curricula, leaves of absence, re-admission, and withdrawal from university
- Campus Life Issues
- Counseling about daily life and about physical and mental health
- Harassment Counseling
- What to do in the event of accident or illness
- Counseling and action regarding special needs requests
- Counseling about financial issues such as tuition fees
- Other Issues
- Advancement to graduate studies, employment
- *If a student’s own advisor is away or for other reasons, other faculty members will also respond to counseling requests as required.
- *Advisor hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, including e-mail, unless the matter is urgent.
Office Hours
This is a system in which full-time faculty members make themselves available for students to ask questions and express concerns about their studies and other worries and to provide counseling, in a manner that transcends departments. These faculty members will be available in their labs during the specified counseling hours.
Individual office hours can be found on the student portal.
Condolence Money/Special Disaster Relief Payments
If there has been a death in your immediate family or in the event of a disaster, please contact the university as soon as possible.
Condolence money or a special disaster relief payment will be paid pursuant to the University Rules.